Multi-head Automatic Gravity Fillers
- The filler is made up of a frame supporting the diving system with the nozzles, conveyor and intermediate hopper tank.
- The filler actions are controlled by a Plc and interface and setup I made possible by means of a HMI touch screen.
- Containers enter the machine on a conveyor and a pneumatic gate system allows the containers to stand under the filling heads while isolating filled containers and containers being filled.
- Machine is fitted with a diving system to enable vertical movement of the nozzles.
- Optional drip tray and neck guide devices can be supplied
Single Head Peristaltic Pump Filler
- A Single head Peristaltic pump filling machine is a compact unit which is easy to operate and can complete many filling applications
- The filler fills a pre-set amount of product into a container. The filling volume is infinitely adjustable.
- The machine can either be operated in manual or automatic mode
- Filling speed depends on size of container and viscosity of product being filled.
- Application is generally for easy flowing liquids and smaller filling volumes.
Single Head Piston Filler
- A compact unit that is able to fill a pre-set amount of product into a container by means of a reciprocating piston action.
- General application is for filling products with higher viscosity, ex. creams and lotions
- The machine can be operated in manual mode where single cycles can be completed or in auto mode.
- Filling speed depends on the container size and viscosity of the product being filled.
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